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Client Building: Jim Marker on the One Card System

Known as “The One Card System Guy”, Jim Marker has mastered the art and science of this great tool for insurance-based financial service industry professionals. Company and agency training on the use of the system, along with a real-life application, situation, and language skills delivers an excellent process for continuous improvement and changing lives.

Jim Marker has developed corporate training tools based on the writings of industry expert Al Granum to increase client strengths and grow their business. His five programs are appropriate for reps, trainers, managers, and executives in the insurance-based financial industry, and are customized for each group or individual.

OCS 1.0 Introduction
OCS 2.0 The Magic Formula
OCS 3.0 The 10 Most Important OCS 4.0 Client Building Groups
OCS 5.0 Personal Coaching

The Art of Changing Lives

Following the One Card System becomes art as Jim Marker brings light, insight, and depth to each of the eight components:

One Card System chart

The Science of Client Building

Strength is built over time and repetitive right action. As an expert communicator, with this science such a part of his life, Jim Marker can show you how to reach your goals.

For a professional just starting or determined to jump-start their business, it begins with dialing the phone 5000 times in the first year. Get over it…and learn how to use the formulas to change lives…including your own and the growth of your organization.

With training and coaching from Jim, you can break through the barriers of fear, monotony, and rejection. It’s a science.

Hire One Card Expert Jim Marker