Home » Learn Language, Prospecting, and Client Building Skills from Jim Marker

Learn Language, Prospecting, and Client Building Skills from Jim Marker

  • Do you understand how to prospect and how to turn those referrals into scheduled appointments?
  • Can you efficiently turn those appointments into clients at the right levels?
  • Have you learned these skills, but have difficulty transferring your skills to others in your organization?

With these unique resources for building skills, Jim Marker generously shares his years of experience in the insurance-based financial services industry in the form of practical and relevant ideas and tools for continuous improvement…and practice!

One Card System

Master the art and science of this great tool for insurance-based financial service industry professionals. Learn about company and agency training from Jim Marker on the use of the system, along with application, situation and language skills.

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Insights on the Art of Client Building Video

Jim Marker conveys the importance of language mastery as a key component of confidence, competence and great business relationships.

Mastering the Science of Client Building Video

Jim Marker succinctly communicates and reminds us of the importance of meeting fundamental numbers and measurements to ensure success.

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Like what you've heard? Become a member today and get an even deeper knowledge of how to make the Client Building System work for you. Registration is free and will get you valuable information via regular recorded updates packed with in-depth training from Jim.

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